How does Inside IR35 effect you?
Tuesday 30th May 2023
Contract workers have become an increasingly popular option for companies as they look to access the skills, knowledge and expertise available in the wider job market. Many of these workers are temporary or contract workers, known as contractors, and are used to bring in specialist skills and expertise to complete specific projects. However, changes to UK tax law, known as Inside IR35, have made it significantly more complicated for companies to work with contractors and understand their obligations to them.
For companies wanting to recruit the best contract workers, understanding the impact of Inside IR35 is increasingly important. Inside IR35 denotes contractors who are treated like employees by HMRC, meaning that they must be paid in line with the legislation or face penalties in the form of tax avoidance. Companies wishing to hire contract workers are now required to review every contract role to determine if it falls inside or outside of IR35, and to ensure that workers are paid the correct tax and contributions.
At Clarity, our team is experienced in helping companies to recruit the right contract workers, within the spectrum of Inside and Outside IR35. We use our in-depth knowledge and understanding of the legislation to ensure that your recruiting process is compliant with current UK tax legislation. Our team can provide advice on identifying different contracts and how they should be accounted for, as well as on strategic planning when it comes to finding the most suitable contracts and roles for your business.
If you're looking for the right contract workers for your business, Clarity can offer you the insights you need to ensure you're compliant with Inside IR35 legislation. Our team will help you to navigate the complexities of contract recruitment and provide the support you need to make the most of your recruitment strategy with as little disruption as possible. We'll help you to identify the right contracts and workers to bring in the desired expertise, in line with the legislation.
Find out more about how Clarity can help you recruit the right contract workers in line with Inside IR35 legislation, and make the most of your recruitment and hiring strategy. Our team is experienced in ensuring legal compliance and are committed to helping you make the most of the highly skilled expertise available in the contract worker marketplace. Get in touch today to find out more about how we can work with you and access the resources you need.